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Descriere Firma

The Mission

The AgriAlly initiative & Podcast aims to provide a platform for the voices of women in agriculture to be heard, offering a holistic perspective on the industry, encompassing entrepreneurship, STEM, sustainability, and impact.

Amplifying voices of women in agriculture STEM to provide a 360 degrees perspective of the industry

The mouthpiece for the voices of women in STEM to be heard while covering a 360 degrees perspective of agriculture.

The Goal:

Catalyzing perspectives success and lessons learned creating a scalable model for implementation with world-wide ripples of impact. Highlight experiences of women entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers, experts & farmers to inspire girls & women in agriculture sciences, tech & entrepreneurship. By embodying themes of unity, hands-on experience, networking, storytelling, empowerment, connection, and impact, AgriAlly aims to be a catalyst for positive change in the agricultural industry, empowering women and men to lead & thrive in a collaborative and inclusive environment.

The Overview

The AgriAlly Podcast is dedicated to showcasing the diverse experiences and insights of women across all facets of agriculture, from farmers to entrepreneurs, scientists to corporate leaders & innovators. By highlighting their stories, innovations, and challenges, we strive to foster inclusivity and drive progress in the agriculture sector.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Farmers
  • Technology
  • Science
  • Engineering
  • Math & Data
  • Startups
  • Corporate
  • Regulatory
  • Accelerators
  • Funding & Investments
  • Economics of the agrifood value chain
  • Sustainability
  • Regenerative agriculture
  • Climate


The concept of the podcast is a conversation based on the curiosity in all the facets that are indispensable to understanding an industry as complex as agriculture. It stems from my innate curiosity in the field, pun intended, as I grew up on my grandparents' farm, surrounded by a lot of elements of agriculture

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